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    How to use Google's new shopping tool to get alerts when stuff goes on sale

    Man with shopping bag.

    4maksym | iStock | Getty Images

    Google rolled out a new shopping search tool this week with a price tracking option that can help you save money.

    You can search for different products you might buy — a T-shirt, board game or new video game system — and Google will notify you with an alert on your phone when the price drops.

    Here's how to search for something you want to buy with Google Shopping and set up alerts for when the price falls.

    Google now lets you track prices of things you're shopping for and get alerts when they go on sale.

    Todd Haselton | CNBC

    • Open the browser on your phone and go to Google.
    • Search for what you want to buy. It could be a PlayStation 4, an iPad, a pair of shoes or anything else.
    • Tap the shopping tab.
    • Google will return search results inside Google Shopping for items that match what you want.
    • Pick a result.
    • Scroll down the page and look for the "track price" toggle.
    • Turn price toggle on by tapping the button.

    Now you're tracking the product's price and Google will notify you if it goes on sale. Google will send a daily email with information on price changes over the past 24 hours. You can stop tracking products in Google Shopping by going to Google's My Activity page and deleting your product price tracking history.

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